Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Snow Day!!!

As I watched the snow begin last night I began to wonder -- so how much snow does it take for Boulder Valley School District to close the schools, preschool rarely closed. This morning I woke up around 6 and turned on the TV and logged on to the computer to see if there was any announcement. At first it indicated only the mountain schools would be closed but then after a refresh all BVSD schools were closed for the day. Hmm, John and I wondered what would we do with James because neither of us have the luxury of a snow day. It's been snowing ferociously all day and it's not supposed to stop until tomorrow night.  This how our day was spent (well I was working and taking pictures).

Sleeping in, snowballs, shoveling, sledding, helping the poor Globe Willow and art......


1 comment:

  1. We are in for a 2nd snow day tomorrow.. what will it bring.. a snowman perhaps!! We are probably close to 18 inches already.
