Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hosting our first exchange student....

Celebrating Fall with Our First Exchange Student

For those of you who know me you know I am passionate about youth exchange and American high school students becoming exchange student and getting those students involved with us upon their return. It truly is a life changing experience. Who would have guessed my exchange 21 years ago would be a big part of who I am and my daily life.

When I was 17, I was an exchange student with Youth For Understanding in France for 2 months. It was a terrific experience where I learned a lot about myself and an understanding that I could do anything I set my mind to and succeed. In the beginning I questioned why I possibly thought it was a good idea but I left with a good comprehension of the language and the ability to speak in French. Six years after my exchange I became a volunteer interviewing students, planning orientations, facilitating orientation and coordinating alumni. I have been a volunteer for 15 years this past may. Almost seven years ago I took a bit of a leap of faith and signed on as YFU staff. YFU was an organization I was truly passionate about and always wanted to talk more about what I did with YFU than what I did for work. It was a leap that was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I love my job -- even the tough days.

In all this time my passion within YFU continued to be with our American Students and Alumni but different projects with my work had me dabbling here and there in the host family recruitment and support side. Hosting an exchange student has always been a goal but for various reason the timing just wasn't right. However, last Fall --- while the timing was still not right -- my husband and I agreed to take a student for 3 days while YFU found her a new home. Placements don't always work out. I had plans so she had to go... but through a variety of circumstances and I couldn't bare the idea of Jessie waiting in another home when she could stay with us a little longer.

We hosted Jessie for just two weeks but it was a fun and memorable experience.. one that will last a lifetime and one that will eventually help us take another leap of faith with YFU and host again (not this year .. for anyone with YFU reading ;-)).. but one day we will host again.

Thank you Jessie!!

1 comment:

  1. Tthat´s really cute ;-)
    I really enjoyed our time , too
    Greetings Jessi
